Sunday, December 31, 2006

Introduction - Out of the Box

Hiya, and Happy New Year! I'm Ah Pong, and for our first post we'd like to start off with an introduction before we launch into our first game review - Arkham Horror!

My brother Ah Ping (but you can call him Orson) and I, and our two human friends Zim and Key, all love to play board games. My favorite is Monopoly (but I don't think many people want to be introduced to that). Me and Ah Ping, we're currently 13 and entering Secondary 2, studying at a school in Bishan. So drop a shout if you see us, okay?

Anyway, in the last year we've discovered that there's so many games which are played with different styles from Monopoly and Risk. Some are fun, and some are a waste of money. And some are fun only if you can figure out the rules before you get sian of the game. So we're trying to help everyone by reviewing some of these games, pointing you to useful places to find info... Maybe even putting up our own guides. But that's in the future. For now, we'll just review games using our "Oink" system. Basically, we'll give each game a ranking of 1 to 5 "Oinks" based on how good we think it is. Each Oink will look like this:

Simple? Let's get started!


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